Having your pet’s teeth cleaned regularly by a veterinarian is very important. By the time they are three years old, many cats and dogs already have periodontal disease. Not only can ignoring your pet’s teeth lead to bad breath, but bacteria that lives under the gum can travel throughout the body, affecting their heart and […]
Services to Look For in a Veterinary Hospital
Posted on July 25th, 2019 by Kathy Fitzpatric
To get the best care for your pet, you want to choose a veterinary hospital that offers certain important services. Choosing the right hospital can help your pet live a longer and happier life. The right vet offers services that are patient focused and has one goal in mind: taking care of your pet. Most […]
Puppy Vaccinations
Posted on July 25th, 2019 by Kathy Fitzpatric
When you introduce a new member to your family, there is so much excitement! Besides being downright adorable, dogs make faithful companions and are always ready to put a smile on our face. Be sure to remember that this is a living, breathing creature. It needs a certain amount of care and attention in order […]
Common Dog Behavioral Problems
Posted on July 25th, 2019 by Kathy Fitzpatric
Whether you are new to owning a dog or are thinking about getting a dog, it is important to be knowledgeable about common behavioral problems dogs often exhibit. Fortunately, with obedience training and at-home training, most behavioral issues will be preventable or able to be controlled. However, it is always good to know what to […]
Lyme Disease & Your Dog
Posted on July 25th, 2019 by Kathy Fitzpatric
Lyme disease is a common tick disease that can affect you or your dog! If you are concerned that your dog may have been affected, an animal hospital in Chicago can help you best detect if it is truly Lyme disease. Below are the causes and symptoms you should look out for: Cause of Lyme […]